The Fleeced Flock: A Tale of Greed and Gullibility

The Fleeced Flock: A Tale of Greed and Gullibility

In a land where folks were easily swayed,
Lived a sheep named Gullible, who never dismayed.
He followed the crowd, without a second thought,
Believing whatever the loud voices taught.

He'd gobble up lies, without hesitation,
Ignorance his bliss, in every situation.
A shiny red hat, his crown of pride,
Blind to the mess that lurked inside.

There was Greed, a fox, with a sly, cunning grin,
Promising riches, for his own gain within.
He'd whisper sweet nothings, of power and gold,
While taking the sheep’s wool, and leaving them cold.

Intentional Ignorance, a bird with closed eyes,
Singing false tunes, ignoring the cries.
He'd chirp and he'd tweet, with a voice so sweet,
Leading the flock, in their blind defeat.

But high on the hat, a speck did gleam,
Orange and unnoticed, in the grand scheme.
Yet that tiny speck, if you looked close and quick,
Was just a bit of shit, on the MAGA trick.

The moral is simple, for those with a mind,
Beware of the greed, and the blind leading the blind.
Question the voices, and the stories they tell,
For that little orange speck, is a warning as well.
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